Collect Online Evidence

Cappture saves snapshots of the web content you need 

Collect Live Web Snapshots

Create permanent snapshots of web pages in seconds.



Organise Snapshots into Groups

Organise your snapshots into folders

Share Snapshots with Permanent URLs

All snapshots have a permanent URL so, once captured, your content will always be available. No more dead links

Timestamped & Secure

All snapshots are time-stamped and stored in our secure archive, so you can always prove when and where a snapshot was taken. 


Never Lose Web Content Again

Save snapshots of important web pages and online content 

Cappture: Save the web
Cappture: Save the web

How it works

On Demand or API-Driven

Create snapshots yourself or use our API to create and save snapshots on demand or integrate them into existing software and apps. 

Always Available

All snapshots are permanently saved to our secure cloud-based archive. 

Access all your data anywhere, any time

Cappture: Save the web